Is Blood Still Allowed in WWE?By Coder| September 29, 2023 Wrestling Blogs Is Blood Still Allowed in WWE? Professional wrestling has long been known for its high-impact moves, dramatic storylines, and, at times, bloodshed. The sight of a wrestler with blood streaming down their face was once a common occurrence in WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) matches. However, in recent years, there has been a shift in the company’s approach towards the use of blood in their televised events. The PG Era and the Ban on Blood In 2008, WWE entered what is now known as the “PG era.” This change in direction was aimed at making the product more family-friendly and appealing to a wider audience. As part of this shift, WWE implemented stricter guidelines regarding violence and graphic content. Under these new guidelines, the use of blood became highly restricted. Blading, a practice where wrestlers intentionally cut themselves to produce bleeding, was outright banned. This decision was made to ensure the safety of the performers, as intentionally causing blood loss can lead to various health risks such as infections or transmitting diseases. The Exceptions: Accidental Blood and Rare Occurrences While intentional blading is prohibited in WWE today, accidental bleeding can still occur during matches due to the physical nature of professional wrestling. Unintentional cuts or injuries can happen when wrestlers collide with each other or objects around the ring. In such cases, where blood is unintentionally drawn during a match, WWE allows it to be shown on television. However, they take immediate steps to address any bleeding by providing medical attention to the affected wrestler. Additionally, there have been rare instances where WWE has allowed blood for specific storytelling purposes. These instances are carefully planned and executed with utmost caution. They are usually reserved for significant matches or feuds that require an extra level of intensity and drama. The decision to incorporate blood into these storylines is made on a case-by-case basis, ensuring the safety and well-being of the wrestlers involved. Alternative Methods to Depict Intensity With the restrictions on blood, WWE has adopted alternative methods to create intense and captivating moments in their matches. They rely on a combination of skilled storytelling, high-impact moves, and dramatic in-ring performances to engage the audience. Listed below are some techniques WWE utilizes: Hard-Hitting Matches: Wrestlers deliver powerful strikes, impactful slams, and breathtaking aerial maneuvers to convey a sense of physicality. Dramatic Promos: Superstars use their mic skills to cut compelling promos that build anticipation for upcoming matches or settle ongoing rivalries. Innovative Match Stipulations: WWE occasionally creates unique match stipulations that add excitement and danger without relying on bloodshed. Creative Storytelling: Writers craft intricate storylines with compelling characters and unexpected twists to keep fans invested in the product. In Conclusion The use of blood in WWE has significantly decreased in recent years due to the company’s shift towards a more family-friendly product. While accidental bleeding can still occur during matches, intentional blading is strictly prohibited. However, WWE continues to find innovative ways to entertain its audience by utilizing alternative methods such as hard-hitting matches, dramatic promos, unique match stipulations, and creative storytelling. These techniques allow them to maintain a visually engaging product while prioritizing the safety and well-being of their wrestlers.